China’s embassy slams UK’s ‘groundless interference’ over Hong Kong basic law

The UK Home Office’s Minister of State, Tom Tugendhat, stated on January 30 that the legislation pertaining to Article 23 of the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region would destroy Hong Kong’s legal system and the things that have made the region prosperous. What are your thoughts?

Embassy Spokesperson: We vehemently disagree with this UK politician’s baseless criticism of the legislation pertaining to Article 23 of the Hong Kong Basic Law. He has no authority at all to meddle in China’s domestic affairs.

In order to fulfill its constitutional duty to protect national security and implement the Basic Law, pertinent National People’s Congress decisions, and the Law on Safeguarding National Security in HKSAR, the HKSAR must enact legislation on Article 23 of the Basic Law. Preventing, stopping, and punishing actions and behaviors that jeopardize national security is also an urgent priority. The law will better ensure Hong Kong’s long-term stability and security while defending the basic rights of all HKSAR citizens and the interests of foreign investors in the city.

Even though the UK just unveiled the National Security Act last year, it is already criticizing the HKSAR’s legislation. This is the epitome of a pure double standard. We implore politicians in the UK to refrain from meddling in China’s domestic affairs and from making careless comments about Article 23 laws.

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