India has voiced worry over the April 1 Israeli airstrike on the Iranian embassy compound in Damascus, the capital of Syria. India is upset by the worsening security situation in West Asia, according to Foreign Ministry spokesperson Randhir Jaiswal, who made this statement during the weekly press conference on Thursday. This can make the place more unstable and violent. All parties involved are required to abide by international laws and norms.
The latest incident claimed the lives of several Revolutionary Guard commanders in Iran. At a United Nations Security Council meeting, concerns were raised about this.
Regarding the inquiry of the visitation of US Finance Department representatives to India for the acquisition of Russian crude oil, the spokeswoman stated that India bases its business choices on its energy needs. “It is bought wherever inexpensive oil is sold in the market.”
It is significant that India has been under pressure from the United States and other western nations to cut back on its purchases of Russian crude oil. Restrictive actions have been implemented in this regard to maintain the low price of Russian crude oil. These nations now seek to tighten this price ceiling even more.
In response to a query concerning ties with Russia, the spokeswoman stated that India had denounced the terrorist assault in Moscow. India places a high value on its strategic alliance with Russia.
India also places the safety of Indians sent to Israel under the G2G arrangement as a high priority, according to the spokeswoman. India has asked the Israeli authorities to ensure their safety and well-being in this situation.
According to Jaiswal, 18,000 Indians are employed at the moment. India’s foremost concern is ensuring their security. Under the terms of the G2G agreement, the first team left for Israel. We value their safety above all else. We have asked the Israeli government to take all reasonable steps to ensure their security and welfare.
It is significant that trained labor for Indian citizens is being moved to Israel under a government agreement. They take part in the construction that is taking on there.
Concerning the Indians stranded in the earthquake in Taiwan, the spokesperson said that the Indian Mission was unable to contact two people but now they have been contacted and they are safe. (HS)